Saturday, July 21, 2007

Memory and DNA

Scientific researchers are gradually uncovering the secrets of our DNA. They have identified the functions of and relationships between some of this material. Many genes remain a mystery and their purpose is unknown.
Sometimes, these mystery genes are called “junk DNA.” According to some researchers, this may be an inaccurate label. Because the purpose and nature of this DNA material is not understood, it certainly does not mean it is useless junk.
As is often the case in scientific discovery, the more we know, the more we realize how little we know. Each question answered can raise many new questions.
For some, our human overconfidence and even arrogance can sometimes trick us into believing that we know all of the answers.
However, in the field of genetics research, there seems to be so much that is not known, that for an open-minded person, these kinds of theories about deep DNA memories cannot be ruled-out.
To conduct our own personal research and to find out for ourselves, maybe all we need to do is listen to our inner DNA.
Listen to the voices, feelings, sights and experiences of our ancestors. Their lives, joys and fears are within us. In that way, they are with us always.

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